Can Invisalign Fix An Underbite?

Can Invisalign Fix An Underbite?


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment used to shift the teeth into proper alignment. It is one of the most highly requested orthodontic treatments because it is discreet, allowing you to straighten your teeth without the metallic look of braces. 

Invisalign is a highly effective orthodontic treatment, but it does have some limitations. Not all orthodontic conditions can be treated with Invisalign, meaning only some patients will be candidates. Are you a candidate for Invisalign? It depends on your orthodontic needs. 

How Invisalign Works 

Invisalign consists of a series of clear plastic retainer-like trays called aligners. They are designed to fit snugly to your teeth and gently shift teeth into proper alignment. Each aligner is slightly different from the next, which helps to gradually adjust the position of the teeth. You will be instructed to wear each aligner for about 2 weeks and then switch to the next in order until you have worn the entire set. When all goes well, at the end of the treatment period your teeth should be in proper alignment. 

What Invisalign Can Do 

Invisalign is capable of treating the following orthodontic conditions: 

  • Overbite: when the top row of teeth extends too far beyond the bottom row of teeth when you bite down. 
  • Underbite: when the top row of teeth meets behind the bottom row of teeth when you bite down. 
  • Crossbite: when some of the teeth in the top row meet in front of the bottom teeth and some meet behind. 
  • Open bite: when there is a gap between the upper and lower rows of teeth in the front when you bite down. The back molars may meet together but the front teeth don’t. 
  • Crowding: when there is not enough room for all of the teeth in the jaw and they begin to overlap. 
  • Crooked teeth: when the teeth are not properly aligned in the jaw. 
  • Gaps between teeth: when the spaces between teeth are too wide. 

What Invisalign Can’t Do 

Invisalign is not capable of the following: 

  • Rotating teeth more than 20 degrees
  • Moving teeth up or down in the jaw
  • Correcting severe bite misalignment caused by the existing shape of the jaw

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

If you are interested in Invisalign treatment, an evaluation by a certified Invisalign provider can determine if you are an ideal candidate. The current position of your teeth will be assessed and the necessary corrections will be determined. If your orthodontic needs can be met with Invisalign, you can begin the next step in your treatment. If not, other orthodontic treatment options will be discussed that will provide the desired results. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign 

Does Invisalign cost more than braces?

The cost of Invisalign is comparable to the cost of braces in most cases. This allows you to choose a treatment option without considering your budget. 

Is Invisalign covered by insurance?

If your dental insurance plan includes coverage for orthodontic treatment, Invisalign typically qualifies. You will need to contact your insurance provider for specific information regarding coverage for Invisalign under your plan. 

Schedule an Invisalign Consultation 

Demko Orthodontics is a certified Invisalign provider. If you are interested in this treatment, schedule a consultation today. We will provide our recommendation for the best course of orthodontic treatment that will improve your oral health and your smile. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.